Director – Film, Video, Books, Grant writing 

I am currently the Director of New Horizon Media Arts and have been associated with several TV channels in India like Zee and ETV when I was an Indian citizen. I migrated to Canada in 1999 and am currently a Canadian citizen. I have a master’s in mass communication from Mass Communication Research Center Jamia Millia Islamia, Delhi.  I am an author, a filmmaker, Content developer, Workshop facilitator and a Marketing & Partner consultant with an Australian IT firm. All my films have had private screenings and festival rounds. My film on the domestic workers of India has made great progress.  The film touches on their daily struggle, violence, human trafficking, and empowerment. I can speak and write 4 South Asian languages. I am an activist and advocate for women, seniors, and children’s rights. 

Organization Affiliations 

Malton Women Council

Red Shawl.Org 

Shubh Helping Hands

Cancer Warriors